Additional resources and links for Nutrition, Physical Education and Physical Activity, and Management and Care of Chronic Conditions

Resources, Tools, and Organizational Links
National Nutrition Standards National Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Adolescent and School Health

CDC provides evidence-based guidance for schools on how to implement policies and practices that effectively promote healthy choices and behaviors among youth.

Healthy Schools

CDC Domain 2 resources for State Public Health Actions and High Obesity grantees (and other interested practitioners) to help advance strategies related to physical activity and nutrition issues

Community Health Online Resource Center
These resources describe why environmental changes are at the heart of making healthy living easier, and how to execute them. Tools include webinars, model policies, tool kits, databases, fact sheets, and other practical materials.

Action for Healthy Kids

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Healthy Schools Program is an evidence-based initiative that will help you to create and sustain healthy environments where your students can learn better and flourish by improving school's physical education, health education, and nutrition.


Bridging the Gap

ChangeLab Solutions Childhood Obesity

Food Research and Action Center

My Plate

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) Nevada: Improving School Nutrition, Strengthened by a State Wellness Policy

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)

No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices

School Nutrition Association

Smarter Lunchrooms Movement

USDA Team Nutrition Implementation Tools and Resources

Voices for Healthy Kids
Voices for Healthy Kids®, is a joint initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and American Heart Association (AHA)

State Resources

Physical Education and Physical Activity
Resources, Tools, and Organizational Links
National Physical Education and Physical Activity Standards National Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Adolescent and School Health

CDC provides evidence-based guidance for schools on how to implement policies and practices that effectively promote healthy choices and behaviors among youth.

Healthy Schools

CDC Domain 2 resources for State Public Health Actions and High Obesity grantees (and other interested practitioners) to help advance strategies related to physical activity and nutrition issues

Community Health Online Resource Center
These resources describe why environmental changes are at the heart of making healthy living easier, and how to execute them. Tools include webinars, model policies, tool kits, databases, fact sheets, and other practical materials.

Action for Healthy Kids

Active Academics

Active Living Research: Active Education: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Academic Performance

Active Schools

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Healthy Schools Program is an evidence-based initiative to create and sustain healthy environments where students can learn better and flourish by improving school's physical education, health education, and nutrition.


ChangeLab Solutions Childhood Obesity

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)

National Network of Public Health Institutes and member institute Health Resources in Action (HRiA) - Springboard to Active Schools

National Physical Activity Plan

Presidential Youth Fitness Program

Safe Routes to School National Partnership

SHAPE America

USDA Local School Wellness Policy

Voices for Healthy Kids
Voices for Healthy Kids®, is a joint initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and American Heart Association (AHA)

The Walking School Bus

State Resources

Management and Care of Chronic Conditions
Asthma Diabetes Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Seizure Disorders Oral Health Conditions
State Resources

Michigan Dental Association School-Based Oral Health Care: A Choice for Michigan Children

Michigan Department of Community Health, Michigan Dental Association, & Seal! Michigan Selecting A School-Based Oral Health Care Program: Questions and Answers for School Staff

New York State Department of Health Oral Health for Infants and Children

New York State Oral Health Center of Excellence

Pennsylvania Department of Health Guidelines for the School Dental Health Program for Pennsylvania's School Age Children and Adolescents

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition, & Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin Selecting A School-Based Oral Health Care Program: Questions and Answers for School Staff

Additional Resources for Chronic Conditions
State Resources

Success Stories

Other Relevant School Health Resources and Links